Physical Health
First Fruit Fast, Week Two
Happy Week Two, sis!
And just like that, here we are! May I just encourage you right now? I am very proud of you. We are in this together and I get it! Committing yourself to pray and fast isn’t easy. It takes intentionality, grit and somewhat of a desperation of the soul to get you here. Maybe you didn’t start when you wanted to. Perhaps you missed a few days or simply decided to skip this one out. That’s okay! It’s entirely okay. You know you and you know what you need. Don’t let the enemy guilt you into believing what you’re doing isn’t enough. If what you’re needing is a little encouragement to keep going, then allow me to be that for you too! Run after God in this season like your life depended on it. Because in actuality, it does.
This week will be hard for some. It’s definitely challenging for me. Fruits, veggies and water only?! What is the actual heck? Friends, I am a religious tea drinker (for health, not function, lol). Some of you are reading this and saying to yourself, “I cannot LIVE without coffee!” I chuckle because I have friends who legitimately mean this. Although coffee isn’t my jam, what coffee means to some of you is wifi to me. I cannot LIVE without wifi! That’s a blog for another day.
When carrying out a food fast, like any fast, it costs you something. Please note, we are not recommending a food fast if you have physical happenings that require a special diet and totally encourage you to connect with a professional about what a healthy food fast means for you. I will encourage you however, to do the hard things. If fasting were simple it wouldn’t require sacrifice. It’s in the exchange of sacrifice for sacred where we begin to hear God more clearly and see Him in the littlest of things. We now have a bit of extra time and can add a few extra pages of Bible reading or prayer for yourself or a friend.
Have you set your intention for your fast yet? Do you know what you’re desiring to hear from the Lord? If you haven’t set your intention yet, take a few minutes now and consider what that is. Perhaps it’s a clear vision for next steps in your career, school or relationship. Perhaps it’s exactly this entire journey toward holistic health. You desire heavenly health for your spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and relational health. You are on to something, sis. Don’t lose sight of it!
This week’s scripture is found in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Have you forgotten that your body is now the sacred temple of the Spirit of Holiness, who lives in you? You don’t belong to yourself any longer, for the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside your sanctuary. You were God’s expensive purchase, paid for with tears of blood, so by all means, then, use your body to bring glory to God!” I am fancying The Passion Translation as of late and it’s wrecking me. Ugh, in all the good ways though.
Sis, you were an expensive purchase. You were designed precisely for the days of today and for this generation. Our desire for being physically healthy begins as an act of worship.
To the One who paid the ultimate price and gifted you this sanctuary, thank Him today. To the body we wake and walk in, bless her today. Release her from the dependency of outer substances to coax pain. That’s God’s responsibility and He’s good for it. Release her from the addictions to elicit temporary comfort like sugar, unhealthy foods, alcohol, sex and poor company.
There is but ONE who can meet all of our needs and yes, I mean all. In Him, that is possible. Jesus can meet all of our needs when our minds and hearts are fixed toward Him and trust in His ultimate will for our lives. This is possible in Jesus.
Alright, beauties. This time next week I will be on missions so if you think of me, pray for me! Don’t give up and don’t settle for less than God’s best. I am so rooting for you.
We got this!