live your life for an audience of one.
- anonymous
how it all began
Out of a desire for connection and sisterhood, Lead Dreamer, Mónica R. Rodriguez began hosting brunches, book clubs, and Bible studies for women out of her tiny apartment on the Northwest side of Chicago. From this, a holistic community was created.
(see below)
our ethos
We believe…
“In God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; on the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from whence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the one holy church both visible and invisible, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.”
— Apostle's Creed
Hi friend! I am so glad you’re here! Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Mónica and I am the Lead Dreamer for a Redefining Tables. Redefining Tables was created from a tender place in my life that felt void. After loosing what felt like nearly everything, I found myself desiring deeply for community, for acceptance and the hardest one to confess, to be remembered. Everything in my life had been flipped upside down, and I knew that there must have been women out there feeling just like me. At the time, I didn’t feel seen, considered, and yes, I no longer felt remembered. I honestly felt I could not have been the only one. Surely, there had to be others just like me.
“Feelings aren’t facts, but they are indicators.” -Lysa Terkeurst
Although, we ought not bank on feelings or emotions that are left unchecked, I still was madly in love with my Creator who is indeed an emotional God. That is a trait I most identify with my Father that we both feel. Yes, I had family who loved me, friends who supported me, yet from me personally— God was asking for more. So, I started creating a space for women just like me. But, I didn’t know what it would look like just yet. What I knew was that breaking bread was something sacred and I wanted to share meaningful moments with friends. I also knew that studying the Word of God in my most difficult moments was going to be my life line; my only life line. What started as a void has then since become a movement my soul feels elation to pass along via all the beautiful souls who cross my path.
It began by scrolling down my contacts to invite close friends/family to my home who I hadn’t seen in a while for a potluck. It then became book clubs and Bible studies. Then friends of my friends became my friends and they invited their friends. The invitations never stopped… These were invitations to like our page, follow our posts, have meaningful conversations, read books, and break bread. We allowed everyone who we stumbled across to pull up a chair and have a place at the table.
So what is Redefining Tables? Women who are about empowering other women. We grow, believe, support and empower each other to live our best lives right now. This is a space where any woman has a seat at our table because life is already messy and sometimes less than perfect. This is a movement to stay connected to humanity and love on one another. Wouldn’t you agree? We all just need a little more love, a little more “I got you, girl” and “I see you.”
So, if today you are reading our story, then you are invited to join us at the table. We’ve saved you a seat!
we want to hear from you!
We believe, support and empower each other to live our best lives right now.
This space is for any woman; all have a seat at our table.